5th annual FeWeb Conference wrap-up

Time flies when you're having fun, and it was fun at the 5th annual FeWeb conference in Antwerp.

I learned that accessibility is a matter of everyone (I agree to that) and by putting a little effort in developing sites with accessibility in mind, you can increase the user experience of a whole lot of physical and/or visually impaired people. Now you can become a certified AnySurfer developer, a title to show the world you deploy accessibility as a standard.

I also learned that branding is not about repeating your name a dozen of times, but to find a balance between name, colors and consistently employing these choices on all media.

There's now also a qualification certification to become a validated reseller who respects Belgian privacy and commercial laws. A bit of information was given by Ivan Vandermeersch (Managing Director BDMA).

Lastly there was the closing keynote by William Visterin (Smart Business Strategies) about Internettrends in 2008. It started with user generated comments on a particular hotel in Antwerp, showing the movement of applications towards the internet (e.g. online marketplaces and social networks), user generated content and self-service companies. Although William is an Editor in Chief, he can compete with Seinfeld or Chris Rock. I believe if he adds a video podcast to his columns, he'll probably be viewed more then our local soap-series "familie".

Running around in my Zend php shirt (yes Cal, I show my colors) got me in contact with other php developers and companies from who I learned that there's still not much know about what Zend has to offer them and that they could become certified. Looks like we do a bit of promotion about it here in Belgium, specially for those small web development agencies and self-employed developers.

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