Spl Not A Bridge Too Far phpNW09

This morning I had the honor to speak at the PHP North West (phpNW09) conference in Manchester (UK) about SPL. It was almost a full room and it was wonderful to see and hear people being impressed what SPL can mean for them, so I believe it was a good session.

For those who attended my talk, you can leave your comments and feedback at http://joind.in/613 and be sure to rate the conference itself at http://joind.in/event/view/70.


  1. examples on slide 12 kind of miss the point.

    should be:
    serialize($obj); //calls $obj->serialize() internally

    $obj['enterprise'] = 'Ivo Jansch'; //calls $obj->offsetSet() internally

    unset($obj['time']); //calls offsetUnset() internally


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