Unit testing after Zend Framework 1.8 webinar

Just a quick not for those of you who missed my Zend webinar (@WebinarsAtZend) on "Unit Testing after Zend Framwork 1.8" last Wednesday. You can view the whole webinar on the Zend website.

I want to thank Zend Technologies, Inc. for giving me the opportunity to present and I wish to express my sincere gratitude to all attendees (about 150) for enduring me the whole hour. Your feedback on twitter and facebook was awesome.

If you have a php topic and you want to do a webinar, go to Zend's Call for Webinar page. You help the community and it's a very good reference in your resume! So, check it out!

If you want to attend one of my life appearances, see me at:
  • ConFoo: "Write PHP, deploy anywhere" and "Improving QA on php projects"
  • TEK11: "Unit testing Zend Framework", "Write PHP, deploy anywhere" and "Improving QA on php projects"


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