A word about my Have I Been Pwned package


Yesterday evening I posted a Tweet about improving user entered passwords using Troy Hunt's service Have I Been Pwnd.

Improve password security
A promotional tweet about my dragonbe/hibp package
It went viral over night with many likes and retweets. But I also got a ton of questions regarding the usage and the security of this package. It turns out many people are scared to send passwords over the internet and are afraid to just use a package (like mine) for password checking.

secure question 1

secure question 2

Just to give you an idea of how Have I Been Pwnd service works, I created this little diagram to visualise how I'm using the service.

Visual representation of using HIBP service
A user enters their password in our registration or password renewal form. We create a SHA1 hash from it and send the first 5 characters of that hash to HIBP. We get a list of hashes back and a count of how many times this hash has been found in the HIBP database. On our server we lookup the remaining hash against the list we received from HIBP and if there's a match, we return the count back to the user.

No passwords are sent in the clear over the internet.
No full hashes are exposed to Have I Been Pwned.
All verification happens on the server where the user enters their password.

To give you an idea how this looks in PHP code, here's a real simple example. BEWARE: this is just code used as an example! Do not copy/paste it and use it in production as it has no filtering and validation of input values!!!


header('Content-Type: application/json');
$uri = 'https://api.pwnedpasswords.com/range';
$string = $_GET['string'];
$hash = strtoupper(sha1($string, false));
$subHash = substr($hash, 0, 5);

if (3 > strlen($string)) {
    echo json_encode(['hash' => $hash, 'count' =>  0]);

$ch = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($ch, [
    CURLOPT_HTTPGET => true,
    CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'In2qa/0.0.1-Alpha',
    CURLOPT_URL => sprintf('%s/%s', $uri, $subHash),
        'Accept' => 'application/vnd.haveibeenpwned.v2+json',
        'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => 'https://api.pwnedpasswords.com',
        'Access-Control-Max-Age' => '3628800',
        'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' => 'GET',

$response = curl_exec($ch);
$response = str_replace("\r\n", PHP_EOL, $response);
$data = explode(PHP_EOL, $response);
$result = array_filter($data, function ($value) use ($hash, $subHash) {
    list ($sha1, $count) = explode(':', $value);
    $lookup = $subHash . $sha1;
    return ($hash === $lookup);

if ([] === $result) {
    echo json_encode(['hash' => $hash, 'count' =>  0]);
$response = array_pop($result);
list ($sha1, $count) = explode(':', $response);
echo json_encode(['hash' => $hash, 'count' => $count]);

To facilitate the usage of this service with added filtering and validation of input values, I've created a simple Composer package: "dragonbe/hibp", which you can find on GitHub as well.

To summarise:

  • No passwords are shared with HIBP
  • All checks occur within your own web application
  • You can do things manually, I just provided a package to make it easier
I am not in a business of stealing passwords or hijacking your good password processes and policies. The composer package "dragonbe/hibp" was build to make it easy for everyone to implement this very powerful service provided by Troy Hunt. I was doing my bit to make the internet a safer place for everyone.

Why would you implement Have I Been Pwnd service on your web application?
Not everyone who uses a computer is aware that strong passwords is a hard job and password managers are not mandatory by law or installed by default by OS vendors: don't expect everyone to apply good password hygiene.

By ensuring your users have passwords that are strong enough and not yet found in earlier breaches (see Have I Been Pwnd), you can at least ensure that if someone's user account and password are compromised, it cannot be used against your own application or service. It's not a 100% guarantee bad guys aren't exploiting your user's accounts, but at least it makes it harder to compromise based on earlier breaches.


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